A Quiz!

Email in answers to the following questions (all of which can be found on this web site) and we will send you a postcard of Clyde and maybe start an 'Honours List' of excellent web trackers. The email link is below.

Note that there is no Search feature on this site, so you will have to hunt for the answers.

1. Which tee did Tiger Woods play off?

2. What did the half-back say that was so polite?

3. In what year was the earliest photograph of Clyde taken?



4.Which restaurant uses a nailing up bench as a sideboard?

5. Which place to stay has a Super Goldcard discount?

6. What does Tony Tohill do?

7. What is on display in the building behind the dairy?

8. Where can you see a 'Medical Display'?

9. What is the name of the walk which goes right around the cemetery?

10. Which are the 'significant gold-rush settlements'?

Email your answers
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